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This one response can change the mood in your house immediately! If your child has been acting out, yelling, screaming, or having tantrums and meltdowns!, give this response a try

The Absolute Best Way to Respond when Your Child’s Acting Out

  To say that it’s been a long day would be putting it mildly. The power-struggles have been endless. The whining has been constant. And, of course, there was the “I’m-not-leaving-the-store-without-a-toy” meltdown in aisle 9. No matter what you do, it seems that your child’s main goal is to make

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How to Help Your Aggressive Toddler or Preschooler

At preschool pickup, the teacher pulls you aside. She has some concerns about your child’s behavior. She reminds you that there is a zero tolerance policy for biting and aggressive acts like kicking and hitting may result in suspension. You’re a little shocked to hear the news, but you know

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Learn how to love your child even when they are throwing a tantrum or arguing. Do's and Don'ts of loving past your child's behavior.

Love Past the Behavior

Your kids are curled up on the couch reading their new library books. No one is bickering. The silence is amazing. Your heart fills with love as you admire their sweet, innocent faces. Fast forward ten minutes. A fight breaks out over who has more of the blanket. You rush

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Teaching Your Impulsive Child to “Pause”

All kids are impulsive. They hit, bite, kick and yell without thinking through the consequences. They feel a feeling and act on it. We can blow this off as “kids will be kids” or send them to the corner until they “learn their lesson.” Or, we can introduce our kids

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How to stop tantrums according to brain research

Use the latest brain research to help your child stay calm and manage their big feelings without a huge meltdown. Learn how to stop tantrums – even if they’ve already started – with this 2-step approach! We’re leaving the zoo.  The car is parked at the far end of the

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It's hard to see our kids sad, frustrated or discouraged. Instead of rushing to rescue them, let your children feel their feelings using these positive parenting tips!

Let Your Children Feel Their Feelings

There is nothing better than hearing the sound of children laughing. Seeing your son confidently climb the ladder to the tallest slide. Getting a giant bear hug from your daughter. Ahh…the joys of parenting. Unfortunately, with the joy, there are also the hard times. Arguments, yelling, conflict and competition. Failure,

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Anger is a Feeling Too!

Many parents try to send their children the message, “Whatever emotion you feel is ok.” However, when their child expresses anger, parents often send a different message – anger is NOT ok. “Stop that!   Calm down! That’s enough!” We don’t mean to send our kids mixed messages. Unfortunately, anger

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