communication | sibling rivalry | discipline | emotions | positive parenting
Anything can turn into a competition between your kids. Who has the tallest french fry. Who has the most homework. Who brushed their teeth more efficiently. Seriously. Nothing is off limits for those two. And, no matter how hard you try to tell them “it doesn’t matter who has the
Continue ReadingSharing does not come naturally to some kids…which means you’re constantly dealing with arguments about “who’s turn it is” and “who had it first.” Rather than forcing them to give up their favorite toy or engaging in a power struggle, use these 10 “sharing rules” to help your kids practice
Continue ReadingParenting a child who hits, kicks, bites, or hurts others can feel overwhelming and confusing. This guide will give you an overview of how to support your child when they are aggressive, and help them learn how to manage their big feelings without aggression. “How can we get our 5-year-old
Continue ReadingFeeling frustrated because your child seems “too old” for certain behavior? This post will encourage you as you wait for them to mature emotionally. Thank you to April Finley for this guest post. Read more about her in the bio below! When my firstborn was between five and six years
Continue ReadingThe toddler and preschool years can be exhausting and overwhelming, but don’t believe the hype – parenting toddlers doesn’t have to be terrible! In fact, you can even enjoy this stage. (It’s true!) Use these tips to help you discipline, manage tantrums, avoid power struggles and parent your toddler with
Continue ReadingHow to Prepare for Your Intense Child’s Next Meltdown Glancing at the clock, you mentally cross your fingers. You’re parenting alone tonight and your energy is running low. It would be great if your child made it to bedtime without a meltdown. For your sake. For your other children’s sake.
Continue ReadingParenting advice can get a little murky. If you Google your specific parenting problem, there’s a chance that you’ll find more than one answer. And, there’s a good chance that those answers will slightly (or completely) contradict. Instead of zooming in and searching for the “one” right solution. Let’s look
Continue ReadingThey are the best of friends and the worst of enemies…they are siblings. Managing sibling rivalry can feel like a full-time job! Here are some helpful tips for managing sibling jealousy, sharing, competition among siblings and much more. You’re starting to wonder if it’s possible to have a car ride
Continue ReadingThe kicking on the back of your seat is getting more intense. “That’s enough!” you say, glancing at the grimacing face in the back seat. “You can’t make me!” she responds, kicking harder now. Your muscles tense. You hold your breath. You want to scream, “Oh, I can too make
Continue ReadingYou’ve read the books. You bought the “I’m a big brother” t-shirt. You have a basket of fun activities for him to do while you’re nursing. You’re prepared to smooth the transition from singleton to sibling once you arrive home from the hospital. But, a few weeks in, you feel
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