communication | sibling rivalry | discipline | emotions | positive parenting
Kids won’t listen? Feeling ignored? This guide will help you understand why your kids aren’t listening and what you can do to encourage them to listen well. In my parent coaching sessions, getting kids to listen is the #1 concern. Parents share these complaints: My kids ignore me. My kids
Continue ReadingParenting a child who hits, kicks, bites, or hurts others can feel overwhelming and confusing. This guide will give you an overview of how to support your child when they are aggressive, and help them learn how to manage their big feelings without aggression. “How can we get our 5-year-old
Continue ReadingDon’t assume your child knows what to do or say at the next family gathering, friend’s birthday party, or other social situation. Prepare them in advance using these tips. A few weeks before Christmas, I asked my kids, “What would you say if someone gave you a gift you didn’t
Continue ReadingBig emotions can be scary, overwhelming, and stressful for parents (and for kids!). Use these three tips to parent with a calm confidence during your child’s next meltdown. She stands in the kitchen screaming. Hands clenched at her sides. Eyes focused and glaring. You try everything – offering a hug,
Continue ReadingIs the communication in your home full of complaints, arguments, and whining? Chances are the “magic ratio” is off. Use these tips to bring some peace and calm to your family. After another extremely frustrating day battling his son about everything from screentime to bedtime, a parent sat down with
Continue ReadingStop repeating yourself 1,000 times. Stop bribing or threatening your kids to listen. Use these tips to encourage your kids to listen the first time you ask them to do something. You’re tired of repeating yourself 1000 times. You’re tired of the constant arguing — the disagreeing with everything you
Continue ReadingTired of arguing, begging and bribing your kids to help out around the house..or do anything you ask? These 9 tips will help you improve the cooperation from your kids. You’re standing at the kitchen island as your kids stampede away into the other room. They grab video game controllers
Continue ReadingKeep the relationship with your tween strong and healthy using these everyday activities and simple connection opportunities. Connecting with little kids often means getting on the floor to play Legos or Barbies. A game of chase or a quiet snuggle was just part of the daily routine. Now your child
Continue ReadingThese 5 questions help you feel confident, calm, and prepared to teach your child using positive, respectful parenting strategies. Let’s be honest. In the middle of a meltdown, my first question is: “How do I get them to calm down?” In the middle of a disagreement, my goal is: “How
Continue ReadingThings are out of control. I can’t let them get away with this! How do I make sure my kids know their behavior is wrong? These tips will help you teach your child a lesson in a respectful and productive way – and at a time when they are willing
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