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I’m Feeling Guilty for Yelling at My Child! 5 things you need to do now

Yelling is not the end of the story. You are not defined by the fact that you lost your cool. Next time you’re feeling guilty for yelling at your child, take a deep breath. Then, follow these steps to move in a positive direction. You just yelled at your kids.

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Taking Control of Your Parenting Triggers

Tired of always yelling at your kids? Feel like you are calm one moment and then angry the next? Your first thought may be…” if only they would just listen the first time, I wouldn’t have to yell!” or “If he would just stop hitting his sister, I wouldn’t have

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Do You React or Respond to Your Kids?

    Imagine that your oldest kids are fighting…again.  Or, your youngest just spilled his juice box on the floor.  Or, your daughter is whining that life is “not fair.” What’s your knee-jerk reply? Are you a yeller? Do you criticize? Overreact? Maybe you ignore, walk away or throw up

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You want to be a positive, encouraging parent, but sometimes things don't go as planned. Here's the key to a calm parenting response!

The key to making a good parenting decision

  Your toddler is having a tantrum in the middle of Target.   Or, maybe your tween is having a tantrum in the middle of Target. You look around.   People are starting to stare, most are actually glaring.   You feel judged. You feel like a horrible parent. In

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Tired of Being an Angry Parent? 6 Tips to Control Your Anger

    Do you find yourself making threats, inflicting punishments, or screaming in anger? Do you feel overwhelmed, tired or stressed, and unsure how to handle your anger differently? Do you feel like a horrible parent? You are not alone.   Many parents struggle to control their anger. If you

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Just breathe…

Breathing is a powerful yet often underestimated part of staying calm. When we become anxious, worried, upset or frustrated, our breathing changes.   Instead of deep, cleansing breaths, we begin to take short, quick breaths. These short breaths tell our brain that we’re in danger! It starts to ramp our

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