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Holiday Stress Survival Guide Tip #3: Manage Post-Gift Letdown

  There’s a mound of wrapping paper in the middle of the floor. Boxes and ribbons are scattered around the room. Your kids are happily enjoying their new toys. Or maybe not… Maybe your 17-year-old is pouting because she didn’t get the designer handbag she wanted. Maybe 15 minutes later,

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How to Create A Parenting Mantra

  It’s Tuesday. You pick up the kids from school and receive the typical grunts and groans about their day. Once at home, they meander through the kitchen opening and closing cabinets, complaining about the lack of “good snacks” in the house. Then, the fighting begins. No one wants to

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Holiday Stress Survival Guide Tip #2: Set Reasonable Expectations

  It seems that no other time of year holds more unmet expectations than Christmas. Your kids have super-high expectations.   Gift lists a mile long.   Dreams of stockings bursting with toys on Christmas morning. But you probably have super-high expectations too. You expect that you can decorate the

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Timeouts not working for your child? Not sure what else to try? Here are 7 alternatives to time out that encourage positive parenting and respectful discipline for kids of all ages.

Anxious Child? Teach them to be Bossy with Worries

      Your daughter is the one who tells the younger siblings how to play “correctly” with their Barbies. Your son can stand firmly against your decision, presenting the numerous reasons that you are wrong and he is right. Yet, when it comes to worries, these kids crumble.  

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Holiday Stress Survival Guide Tip #1: Breathe

  Thanksgiving is over. Christmas is fast approaching. Some of you cheerfully blast the Christmas music and make 15 different types of cookies while stringing lights on the tree and serving hot cocoa to neighborhood children. Or maybe you feel like a giant piano has landed on your chest.  

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Say this, Not that: A Parent’s Guide

  Are you tired of being ignored? Feeling frustrated that your kids respond to you with grunts and “I don’t know?” Sometimes, the way we phrase things can make a big difference.  It’s not always easy to remember what to say or how to say it, especially when your child

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Anger is a Feeling Too!

Many parents try to send their children the message, “Whatever emotion you feel is ok.” However, when their child expresses anger, parents often send a different message – anger is NOT ok. “Stop that!   Calm down! That’s enough!” We don’t mean to send our kids mixed messages. Unfortunately, anger

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Parenting teenagers can be tricky, simplify by staying focused on the relationship

Parents of Teens: Keep Your Focus on the Relationship

Parents and teenagers. Seems like a disaster in the making. Teens are going through a period of uncertainty and radical growth and change. They are struggling to find their own identity and make their own decisions; while still wanting to be the little child, babied by their parents. Parents are

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Protecting our kids is a good thing -- to a point -- but sometimes it keeps them from learning valuable skills. And that's why I let my toddler use a knife.

Why I Let My Toddler Use a Knife

As a parent, “caution” is my middle name. I am concerned about my children’s safety and do what I can to keep them out of harm’s way. That being said, I also believe that children should be exposed to certain experiences in order to keep them safe. That’s why I introduced

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101 Ways to Say “I Love You”

Saying, “I love you” is nice, but do you feel like your children are wanting more? How can you be sure that each of your children is feeling loved? According to Dr. Gary Chapman, Author of the 5 Love Languages of Children, there are 5 ways each of us can

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