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5 Ordinary Opportunities for Amazing Connection with your Tween

Keep the relationship with your tween strong and healthy using these everyday activities and simple connection opportunities. Connecting with little kids often means getting on the floor to play Legos or Barbies. A game of chase or a quiet snuggle was just part of the daily routine. Now your child

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Three words your children are longing to hear. Learn more and get practical tips here.

3 Words Your Child is Longing to Hear

The second I walk in the door, she’s on my heels. Showing me a thousand pictures, talking non-stop about her day, balancing on one foot, then the other. If I’m distracted, she might mix things up a little. Pulling on my sweater, singing at the top of her lungs, or

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How to get on the same page as your co-parent, plus what to do if they do not agree with your parenting style.

How to Parent on the Same Page

You think he’s too soft on the kids. He thinks you put too much pressure on them. You think he’s too strict about homework. He thinks you baby them at bedtime. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. In the middle of a stressful parenting situation, when the

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BONUS DOWNLOAD: S.T.O.P Reminder Printable!

Easy Daily Practices to Show Love to Your Imperfect Self

Hey imperfect parent! When was the last time you truly embraced a mistake? Smiled when an old habit popped-up? Or shook off a bad mood? (Maybe never.) We have a tendency to hold ourselves to a ridiculously high standard: Perfection. Every moment we mess up is evidence that we are

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Catch your child lying? 8 Tips That Will Promote Honesty

Tired of your child lying, your kids stretching the truth, or hearing them make up stories you know aren’t even close to accurate? It’s natural to want a tried-and-true consequence that will end lying forever. But, there’s usually more to the behavior than just the lies, use these tips to

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Tired of hearing arguments and complaints from your kids? Use these 5 tips to restore peace in your home.

The best way to deal with an argumentative child

The daily battles and the power struggles are getting old. Why can’t you just ask them to do something without hearing complaints and groans? Learn how to deal with an argumentative child using positive, respectful strategies that will bring peace back to home. “Please hang up your backpack” seems like

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5 reasons you still yell at your kids (and what to do instead)

You’ve tried everything to get off the crazy train of yelling. Or blaming. Or threatening. Or criticizing your kids. No matter how many “good days” you have, eventually fall back into old patterns again. And then you feel horrible. Your intentions are excellent, but something still seems to be getting

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Tired of feeling like your child is in charge? Like you have no power? Use these tips to feel confident in your parenting!

How to Move from Passive Parent to Confident Parent

  “I want that toy!” your child demands. “Not today, honey. We’re just here for a few things.” “I really want that toy.” “I know, but…” Your child interrupts, “All the other kids have one, and I want one too. I’m putting it in the cart.” “Oh, um…we’ll see…OK.” Confused

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Your teen may not ask for it. In fact, they may not know it is an option. Use these tips to help your teen find rest from social media.

The gift your teenager needs, but will never request

When I was young, we had one main phone. Connected to the wall with a super long cord. The cord could stretch to the basement stairs, the only place you could talk in “private.” If someone was on the phone, you had two options. Wait. Or pick up another extension

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Parenting an anxious, aggressive, intense or sensitive child can be exhausting. Here are a few things these parents want you to know.

7 Things a Parent of an Intense Child Wants You to Know

The slamming doors. The random meltdowns. The screaming for hours. This is not the stuff you post on social media. Living with a child who struggles with aggression, anxiety, sensitivity, or impulsivity can be physically and mentally exhausting for everyone involved. There are no easy solutions. No quick fixes. The

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