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How to respond in “non-negotiable” parenting situations

It’s time for my daughter to go to bed. It’s late. I’m tired. She’s tired. But of course, she’s also not completely on board with the “going to bed” plan. As a 3-year-old, she has definitely become more independent. Things she used to do without a second thought are now

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Instead of being overwhelmed by the parenting information out there, become the parent your child needs you to be!

Permission to be the parent your child needs

Grab a cup of coffee, let’s chat. Listen, there are a million (billion, trillion?) parenting articles and books out there. Some are fantastic, while others pile on the guilt and flame your anxiety. It’s easy to get caught up in the “Should’s” and “Should not’s” of parenting. But here’s the

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Angry outbursts. Meltdowns. Tantrums. It can be confusing. Use these questions to help you understand your child's behavior.

Finding Clarity When You’re Baffled By Your Child’s Behavior

Oatmeal. That’s what started it. You added raisins instead of blueberries and she was off like a rocket. All attempts to diffuse the meltdown were useless. It’s calm now (though you feel like you were run over by a truck). Taking some deep breaths you wonder… What just happened here?

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It's frustrating when empathy doesn't seem to help your child calm down. Try these 5 tips instead!

Empathy didn’t work. What do I do now?

  “You seem pretty upset about my decision.” His eyes glare at you. Moving in to provide comfort, he swats you away yelling, “leave me alone!” You’re confused, hurt, and getting more upset by the minute. We’re told that empathy is the best response. The “magic bullet” of parenting techniques.

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Parenting advice gets murky. Instead of looking for the "one" solution, let's look at truths about children in general.

9 Parenting Truths That Apply To All Children

Parenting advice can get a little murky. If you Google your specific parenting problem, there’s a chance that you’ll find more than one answer. And, there’s a good chance that those answers will slightly (or completely) contradict. Instead of zooming in and searching for the “one” right solution. Let’s look

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If you're going through a divorce or separation, there are 5 things your child needs to know (and 3 things they don't!) Written by a marriage and family therapist.

5 things your child needs to know about your divorce or separation (from a marriage and family therapist)

On the floor of my therapy office, a 6-year-old draws a picture of her family. Herself, Mom, Dad, two brothers, and a dog. Her mom and dad are holding hands. Everyone is smiling. My heart sinks as I look at her drawing. Her parents have been divorced since she was

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Self care can take less than 5 minutes. Here are some ideas for busy parents!

Simple Self-Care for Extremely Busy Parents

There’s no getting around it, these years are tough. Personal space is limited and your child may literally rely on your help for almost everything! The suggestion to take time for “self-care” may actually make you laugh out loud. (Or cry, depending on the day.) Maybe you’ve tried a few

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You can be in control,, set limits and boundaries for your kids without yelling. Here are some tips!

How to Be a Confident Parent Without Yelling at Your Kids

What do the neighbors think? If they only knew the begging, pleading, and negotiating that goes on in your home. Maybe they’d understand why yelling is the ONLY way your kids do what you ask. You’ve tried being the “nice mom” who doesn’t yell, and no matter how hard you tried,

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It's hard when your child prefers their other parent. Here are some tips to help you cope!

How to respond when your child prefers one parent

It’s heartbreaking when your child pulls away from you and reaches for another caregiver. Thankfully, there are things you can do to survive this difficult stage. Here are some tips to use when your child prefers one parent over the other (BONUS: suggestions for the “preferred”…and the “non-preferred” parent!)  

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Here are 5 common (but unhelpful) parenting beliefs that may be keeping you from effective discipline with your kids.

5 Parenting Beliefs that Interfere with Effective Discipline

You’ve read the parenting books. You’ve tried the latest discipline strategies. And…unfortunately, you’re still dealing with the same old thing. Before you give up completely, let’s take a look at a silent partner in your parenting: Your thoughts. Everyone carries around an unspoken understanding of why kids act the way

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