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Here are 5 common (but unhelpful) parenting beliefs that may be keeping you from effective discipline with your kids.

5 Parenting Beliefs that Interfere with Effective Discipline

You’ve read the parenting books. You’ve tried the latest discipline strategies. And…unfortunately, you’re still dealing with the same old thing. Before you give up completely, let’s take a look at a silent partner in your parenting: Your thoughts. Everyone carries around an unspoken understanding of why kids act the way

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There are lots of reasons your child acts out. Here are 25 things that have nothing to do with your parenting.

25 things that impact your child’s behavior (and have nothing to do with your parenting)

Slow down parents…before you look for the perfect consequence for your child’s behavior, check this list. There are lots of things that cause kids to act the way they do. And, a lot of these things have nothing to do with your parenting skills. Meeting these needs will help you

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Sometimes the newborn phase is a breeze compared to when your baby starts moving. Help your older child cope with this transition!

Helping Your Older Child Cope When Their Sibling Becomes Mobile

You’ve read the books. You bought the “I’m a big brother” t-shirt. You have a basket of fun activities for him to do while you’re nursing. You’re prepared to smooth the transition from singleton to sibling once you arrive home from the hospital. But, a few weeks in, you feel

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One simple phrase may eliminate tattling in your house.

A simple phrase to eliminate tattling.

“Mom! Sam won’t turn off the water in the bathroom!” “Mom! Sarah took my iPod without asking…and now she won’t give it back!” “Mom, Mom, MOM!” Like nails on a chalkboard, most parents have come to dread the sound of a child tattling. It seems so needy, so desperate. Why can’t

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but there may be something else driving your need to give your kids so many reminders.

The real reason you give your kids so many reminders.

Hello, I’m Nicole and I’m a repeater. Here’s a classic example… It’s a typical hectic Monday morning. Everyone is moving slow. I glance at the clock and compare the time to the number of things still left to accomplish. Then it begins. The repeating. “Don’t forget your homework.” “Did you

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A radically different way to respond when your child is aggressive or acts out.

Aggressive Kids: Positive Discipline for Amazing Results

Learn how shame impacts the behavior of aggressive kids. These positive parenting tips will help you get to the root of the problem and begin to free your child from negative self-talk, anger, and acting out. The meticulously created Lego creation smashes against the wall and shatters into a hundred

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Wondering what to DO instead of timeouts and grounding, try these 9 alternatives!

9 Positive Parenting Alternatives to Time Outs & Grounding

The concept of positive parenting has many parents feeling baffled. There’s no strict manual. No “if this, then that” list of appropriate consequences. Even parents who are on board with skipping time outs or grounding scratch their heads and ask, “What do I DO instead?” Positive parenting doesn’t always call

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3 ways movement and mindfulness can reduce stress in your child!

3 Ways Movement and Mindfulness Can Reduce Stress in Kids

Thanks to, Michelle Paget, LCSW, RYT, for sharing three ways you can incorporate mindfulness into your family life! In the busy and over-scheduled world we live in, it is hard to find a moment to pause and just be. It’s the feeling we get when we arrive at our destination

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It's not your job to stop your child from having a tantrum. It's your job not to have one.

It’s not your job to stop a tantrum, it’s your job not to have one

It happens in an instant. Your child is refusing to brush their teeth. Is begging for the newest video game. Or is picking on their sister (again). Then yelling begins — complete with name calling, sarcasm, and eye-rolling. Except it’s not your child. It’s you. And you hate it. BONUS

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You know your acting out, melting down child needs your attention, but what about the siblings? How do you support your kids when their siblings struggle with big emotions?

It’s not fair, and that’s ok. Supporting your children when a sibling is struggling.

The tantrum has been in full force for at least 20 minutes and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. While you’re doing your best to manage the situation, you glance over and see two sets of wide eyes peering at you from across the room. You’re torn.

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