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Angry outbursts. Meltdowns. Tantrums. It can be confusing. Use these questions to help you understand your child's behavior.

Finding Clarity When You’re Baffled By Your Child’s Behavior

Oatmeal. That’s what started it. You added raisins instead of blueberries and she was off like a rocket. All attempts to diffuse the meltdown were useless. It’s calm now (though you feel like you were run over by a truck). Taking some deep breaths you wonder… What just happened here?

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It's frustrating when empathy doesn't seem to help your child calm down. Try these 5 tips instead!

Empathy didn’t work. What do I do now?

  “You seem pretty upset about my decision.” His eyes glare at you. Moving in to provide comfort, he swats you away yelling, “leave me alone!” You’re confused, hurt, and getting more upset by the minute. We’re told that empathy is the best response. The “magic bullet” of parenting techniques.

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Parenting advice gets murky. Instead of looking for the "one" solution, let's look at truths about children in general.

9 Parenting Truths That Apply To All Children

Parenting advice can get a little murky. If you Google your specific parenting problem, there’s a chance that you’ll find more than one answer. And, there’s a good chance that those answers will slightly (or completely) contradict. Instead of zooming in and searching for the “one” right solution. Let’s look

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How to get your kids out the door in the morning without yelling.

Crazy mornings with kids? How to get out the door on time

Mornings with kids can be stressful. It seems like nothing will make them move faster or get out of bed without a fight, so you start every day with yelling, bribing, threatening and feeling constantly rushed. These tips will help you bring peace to your morning routine – and still get

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How to Reduce Sibling Rivalry: A Parent’s Guide

They are the best of friends and the worst of enemies…they are siblings. Managing sibling rivalry can feel like a full-time job! Here are some helpful tips for managing sibling jealousy, sharing, competition among siblings and much more. You’re starting to wonder if it’s possible to have a car ride

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Parenting a highly verbal, intelligent 3 year old can be challenging. Here are some tips!

My child won’t stop talking! How to parent a “mature” 3-year-old

Parenting a highly verbal, intelligent 3-year-old or 4-year-old can be challenging. Some days it seems like your child won’t stop talking – the questions are endless and the commentary is ongoing. Plus, even though they seem older, they still act very immature. Here are 6 tips to help you parent

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5 Hidden messages in your intense child's words. How to respond when your child says, "I hate you" or "I can't calm down!" and more!

5 hidden messages in your intense child’s words (and how to respond)

The kicking on the back of your seat is getting more intense. “That’s enough!” you say, glancing at the grimacing face in the back seat. “You can’t make me!” she responds, kicking harder now. Your muscles tense. You hold your breath. You want to scream, “Oh, I can too make

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Tips to help you reduce competition between siblings

How to reduce competition between siblings

Anything can turn into a competition between your kids. Who has the tallest french fry. Who has the most homework. Who brushed their teeth more efficiently. Seriously. Nothing is off limits for those two. And, no matter how hard you try to tell them “it doesn’t matter who has the

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How do you respond when your child does something wrong, even though they know better?

What to do when your child knows better but does it anyway

The call from the school came out of the blue. Your child pushed someone at recess. The other kid went to the nurse. Your child went to the principal’s office. Furious, you scan through a list of possible consequences. Apparently, everything you’ve tried to teach about kindness was useless. Or,

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Ease the sibling rivalry in your house by talking about these 10 rules for sharing!

Sharing toys with siblings: How to stop the arguments

Sharing does not come naturally to some kids…which means you’re constantly dealing with arguments about “who’s turn it is” and “who had it first.” Rather than forcing them to give up their favorite toy or engaging in a power struggle, use these 10 “sharing rules” to help your kids practice

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