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Not sure what to say or do when your kid is acting out or melting down? Try asking yourself this question.

Maybe this is the question parents should be asking.

I was so upset. I didn’t have a choice. The decision was made and it caught me off guard. Suddenly I was in fight-or-filght mode. I was angry! I texted a friend about the situation: “I didn’t even have a say! This was decided for me…no one even asked how

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a simple visualization to change the way you respond to your kids

A simple visualization that will dramatically change the way you respond to your kids

It’s a lazy Saturday. One of those rare weekends when you have nothing planned. Your kids have been parked in front of the TV all morning. It’s a beautiful day, so you innocently announce, “Alright, guys! Time to turn the TV off and go outside!” Suddenly, they snap out of

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Waiting for your child to manage big emotions or self-regulate can be a long process. Look for glimmers of hope and maturity along the way.

Finding a glimmer of hope when your child struggles with self-regulation

I was digging through a random junk drawer when I finally found them. The colored pens I use to keep my schedule organized. I had been looking for them for days. I mentioned this casually to my kids, “Huh. Did you guys know these pens were in here?” My daughter

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Why your kids need you to step-up (but it’s not what you think)

Battle lines are drawn. Your child is not giving up without a fight. As they dig in their heels, you feel pressured to stand your ground. Panic sets in, “If I lose this fight, he will never do anything I ask ever again!” You start to yell. Threaten. Punish. Anything

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Is sibling rivalry driving you nuts? Tired of the arguing? Your response matters. Learn how you may be causing sibling rivalry (and how to stop!)

10 Ways to Reduce Sibling Rivalry in Your Home

Your daughter crawls over and takes your son’s toy car. He freaks out. Grabbing the car back from the baby. She starts to cry. You swoop in to intervene. Cradling her while you glare at your son, you say, “She’s just a baby. She doesn’t know better.” Setting your daughter

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What's normal behavior for a toddler? How do you discipline without using timeouts? Here are 10 tips for parenting your 2-year-old (and your 3-year-old too!)

Positive Parenting Tips for Your 2-year-old

What’s normal behavior for a 2-year old? How do you discipline a toddler without using timeouts? Here are 10 positive parenting tips to help you parent your 2-year-old (and your 3-year-old too!). “Juice.” Your toddler says, banging on the refrigerator door. “Sorry honey, we’re out of juice. How about some…”

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Are you frustrated with your kids' behavior. Tired of all the arguments? Maybe it's time to zoom out. To look at your parenting through a different lens.

Looking at parenting through a wide-angle lens

Remember those nights, shuffling around the nursery trying to calm the shrill cries of your newborn? Or, jingling skittles in a  jar to encourage your child to actually make it to the potty chair this time? When you’re going through these stages it feels like life is standing still. Like

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One critical observation to avoid your child’s next tantrum.

You know running errands takes it’s toll on the kids, but it had to be done. Now, it’s that awkward hour when it’s too early to eat dinner and too late for a snack. The kids are restless and irritable. Tension is in the air. Then it hits you —

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Worried about your child falling behind? Do you play a role in your child's development? Find out 3 things every parent should know about child development, written by a developmental psychologist.

3 Things About Child Development Every Parent Should Know

  Did you sign up for those “Your baby is 17 weeks today” emails when your kids were born? They were great unless your child didn’t line up with the recommended milestone. And what about now that your child is older? Do you ever wonder if they are on track?

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You've spent all day together, and your child is still begging for your attention. Here are some suggestions for setting boundaries with your attention-seeking child.

Setting Boundaries for your Attention-Seeking Child

It’s Friday night. Your husband is out of town, so it’s just you and the kids. Your suggestion to have a movie night is met with cheers and excitement. After the popcorn bowls are handed around, you start the show. Snuggling on the couch. Laughing through the funny parts, sniffling

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