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You've spent all day together, and your child is still begging for your attention. Here are some suggestions for setting boundaries with your attention-seeking child.

Setting Boundaries for your Attention-Seeking Child

It’s Friday night. Your husband is out of town, so it’s just you and the kids. Your suggestion to have a movie night is met with cheers and excitement. After the popcorn bowls are handed around, you start the show. Snuggling on the couch. Laughing through the funny parts, sniffling

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How to respond when your child whines, cries, or argues to get their way!

Feeling Manipulated by your Child? Try this Response.

  As soon as you say “no,” the waterworks begin. “But mom!” your son says, dramatically flailing himself on the floor. After a few seconds, the drama turns ugly. Now he’s pounding his fists on the tile and screaming wildly. It’s just too much to bear. “Fine. Here’s one more.

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To the exhausted parent: You’re not doing it wrong.

You close the door as hot tears stream down your face. Slumping to the floor, head in your hands, the scene replays in your mind. The power struggle. The yelling. The numerous attempts to interrupt the chaos with empathy and reasoning. Nothing worked. Where did things go wrong? What are

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Your Parenting. Redefined.

“I wish I was more like her,” you say to the computer screen. “She’s such a fun mom.” Then, turning to your kids you announce, “Let’s do a craft project!” An hour later, one child is in tears, two are arguing over a tube of glitter glue, and you are

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How to help your anxious child: a guide for parents

The bedtime battles. The doctor’s office meltdowns. The tears. Parenting a child with anxiety can be hard.  You wish you could wave a magic wand and make all of their worries disappear. There is hope! Use these posts to help you parent your child through their worries, teach a variety

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The Day I Forgot How to Parent (And the Two Words that Brought Me Back)

Our words went back and forth like ping-pong balls. She said something rude. I replied with the same snippy tone. She tried to hit me and kick me. I just moved away and tried to ignore her. This is not how I usually parent. Somewhere along the line, I slipped back

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The Ultimate Holiday Stress Survival Guide for Parents

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Or so the song says. But you know better. You know that there are crowded malls. Burned cookies. And overwhelmed children. If you’re feeling frustrated already, hang in there! It is possible to keep the joy in the season These posts will

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3 words that will change how you connect with your kids.

I have three kids.  A part time job. And a house that refuses to stay clean for more than a minute. There’s barely enough time in the day to get the basics done, let alone anything else. And, in the midst of all the chaos, my kids are longing to

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What to do when your child refuses timeout

You gave him a warning. If he threw the crayons on the floor again, he would be in timeout. And…he did it anyway. So, into timeout he goes. Or, at least that’s what should happen. Instead, you find yourself in a wrestling match. Grabbing him out of the chair, trying

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How to Support Your Child (Even When You’re Disappointed)

As parents, we want great things for our kids. Sometimes, we feel disappointed when they struggle with a sport or lack interest in something we enjoyed as a child. Kate Early, a Licensed Professional Counselor, shares some tips for managing our feelings and supporting our kids. I’ll be honest, here…sometimes

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