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Connect with your kids through art! Use these 8 art journaling prompts to get started art journaling with your kids today!

Art Journaling with kids

Sometimes talking with our kids is like pulling teeth. It’s not always easy for kids to put their thoughts and feelings into words. Art is a fantastic tool for connecting and communicating with our kids! Amy Maricle of Mindful Art Studio is back to help you  use art journaling with

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We've been told to be consistent, but there are limits to holding a rule when it doesn't make sense. Try flexibility instead!

Why Flexibility is More Important than Consistency in Parenting

  For many years parents have been told to be consistent. To follow through with the consequences we set. Not to back down when we’ve set a limit. This is a good strategy in theory, but it also binds us as parents. We make an impulsive decision to take away

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7 Simple Parenting Hacks That Are Surprisingly Effective

  Parenting advice can get pretty overwhelming. So, today, we’re going to take it easy. Instead of making life more complicated, let’s simplify things using these parenting tips. (Bonus: They really work!) 7 Simple Parenting Hacks 1. Timers: Many kids respond better to an alarm than a parent’s voice. Timers

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Lessons learned after my daughter's very public meltdown.

5 Things I Learned After My Daughter’s (Very Public) Meltdown

We knew there was a storm brewing from the moment my daughter woke up. Crabby isn’t the right word. We’ll call it “off,” just not right. It was a walking on eggshells kind of day. Still, we had errands to run, so we headed out to the mall, hoping things

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High energy ideas for low energy moms

Your child is starting to meltdown.  You can see the tantrum coming like a runaway train. “It looks like you need a hug!” You say, getting down to their level. “NO!” Your child backs away. “Well, then it looks like you might need a RUNNING hug!!” You reply, energetically. You

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Learn how to parent well even if you struggle with anxiety.

How to break the cycle of anxiety in your family

You call out to your toddler who is scrambling up the jungle gym, “Be careful, honey! Watch out!” He decides it is too scary to climb and decides to go to the sandbox instead. You check your teen’s grades online and realize there is missing work, “Don’t you have math

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Learn how to love your child even when they are throwing a tantrum or arguing. Do's and Don'ts of loving past your child's behavior.

Love Past the Behavior

Your kids are curled up on the couch reading their new library books. No one is bickering. The silence is amazing. Your heart fills with love as you admire their sweet, innocent faces. Fast forward ten minutes. A fight breaks out over who has more of the blanket. You rush

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9 Tips for Surviving the “Witching Hour”

The “Witching Hour.” Also known as the perfect storm that occurs around 5:00 each afternoon. You’re trying to get dinner on the table, the kids are fighting, the baby is begging to be held, tensions are high. Some days I’m not sure I can survive it. Can you? 9 Tips

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3 Things to Do Before Giving a Consequence

Your son walks in with muddy shoes.   You say, “Please take your shoes off by the door!” He refuses. You ask again. He continues to walk through the room getting mud everywhere. Feeling angry and frantic, you search for some leverage, something to get him to respond to your

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Helping Kids Manage Anxiety with Art

I’m so excited to have Amy Maricle, a licensed mental health counselor and art therapist, share a simple technique that you can use to help your children manage big feelings such as, anxiety, irritability, fear or frustration. Get out the paint smocks!     There are lots of ways that

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