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Positive Parenting: Handling Back Talk

The following is an excerpt from Rebecca Eanes’ new book, The Positive Parenting Workbook. This inspiring and inviting guide walks readers through the process of charting a new path toward greater emotional awareness, clear communication, and joyful parenting! Filled with encouraging prompts and plenty of room to record your progress,

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Three words your children are longing to hear. Learn more and get practical tips here.

3 Words Your Child is Longing to Hear

The second I walk in the door, she’s on my heels. Showing me a thousand pictures, talking non-stop about her day, balancing on one foot, then the other. If I’m distracted, she might mix things up a little. Pulling on my sweater, singing at the top of her lungs, or

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How to get on the same page as your co-parent, plus what to do if they do not agree with your parenting style.

How to Parent on the Same Page

You think he’s too soft on the kids. He thinks you put too much pressure on them. You think he’s too strict about homework. He thinks you baby them at bedtime. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. In the middle of a stressful parenting situation, when the

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Tired of trying to convince your 9-year-old to take a shower? Give these tips a try!

What to do when your child refuses to take a shower.

I’m not sure you saw the memo. I’m pretty sure it is delivered to all kids somewhere around age 9. Just in case you missed it, I’ll summarize: “Showers are bad. Stay dirty. Resist!” Yep. The child who could spend hours in the bathtub suddenly has a lack of affection

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Christian parents can use positive parenting strategies. Here are 5 alternatives to spanking as discipline.

5 Ways Christians can Embrace Positive Parenting (and Spare the Rod)

For years, I have resisted the label of “Christian” therapist or parent coach. Even though my degree is from a Christian Seminary, the connotation never felt right to me. I felt lumped in with other “Christian” authors and experts who encouraged parents to spank, ignore, ground, and punish their kids.

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How to teach ungrateful kids to be thankful after fun activities

Tired of hearing complaining and whining from your kids when you leave a fun activity? Whether it’s Disney World or a trip to Target, these tips will ease the transition and help you teach ungrateful kids to appreciate the things you do as a family. It’s been a long day

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16 things your 3 yea old wants you to know. Plus a free printable reminder!

16 simple positive parenting tips for your 3 year old

Tired of the power struggles and battles over everything? Unsure how to discipline your toddler without using timeouts? Use these 16 simple reminders to bring the joy back to parenting your 3-year-old! Some say the 2’s are terrible. But for many parents, it’s the 3’s that really challenge a parent’s

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BONUS DOWNLOAD: S.T.O.P Reminder Printable!

Easy Daily Practices to Show Love to Your Imperfect Self

Hey imperfect parent! When was the last time you truly embraced a mistake? Smiled when an old habit popped-up? Or shook off a bad mood? (Maybe never.) We have a tendency to hold ourselves to a ridiculously high standard: Perfection. Every moment we mess up is evidence that we are

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The holidays are stressful. Instead of expecting your kids to have more self-regulation, step in and help them manage the stress using these 3 tips.

Helping your child self-regulate during the holidays

I feel like there should be a warning for all parents around mid-November that reads: Caution. Self-regulation may be limited. As the season’s shift and the store shelves begin to burst with the latest toys and flashy gadgets, kids dream of candy, Santa, and getting gifts for doing absolutely nothing.

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Catch your child lying? 8 Tips That Will Promote Honesty

Tired of your child lying, your kids stretching the truth, or hearing them make up stories you know aren’t even close to accurate? It’s natural to want a tried-and-true consequence that will end lying forever. But, there’s usually more to the behavior than just the lies, use these tips to

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