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9 Tips to Get Kids to Listen

  I know you’re tired of repeating yourself. If only your kids would just listen the first time! Check out my guest post on The Realistic Mama to learn 9 simple tips to get kids to listen. Demanding, nagging and yelling will not get your kids to listen. In fact,

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10 Tips to Get Your Kids Talking

It’s not always easy to get your kids talking. Check out my guest post on Your Modern Family to learn 10 tips to get your kids to open up! Another day. Another silent drive home from school. “How was your day?” was met with grunts and shrugs. Any further attempts

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Tired of your kids ignoring you or giving you one word answers? Here are 5 reasons your kids don't talk, and how to change this pattern!

5 Reasons Your Kids Don’t Talk To You

  “I try to talk to him, but he just grunts a one-word reply.” “I never know what’s going on in school, my kids never say anything more than, ‘fine’ or ‘ok.’” So frustrating, right? You make the effort and are met with silence. Unfortunately, we can’t change our kids,

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Feel like you're saying a generic "good job" to your child for every little thing? Praise is a good thing, but it can be overdone. Learn why it's ok NOT to say "good job" to your kids.

When to praise your child (and when to skip it)

There’s old parenting advice that tells us to give attention and praise when our kids do something good. Unfortunately, going overboard with “Good Job” may be making things worse, rather than better. Learn why it’s OK not to praise your child for every.little.thing.  My kids love to color. They can

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Instead of worrying about what to say, sometimes silence is the best response to your kids.

Showing Your Child Support with Silence

Out of the blue, my daughter announced:  “Ashlyn and Tyler don’t talk to me on the bus.” Shocked and caught off guard, I accidentally made a great parenting decision: I didn’t say anything. She continued, “I know I’m quiet. Maybe they don’t hear me talk, but I feel left out.”

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Supporting Your Child Through Social Drama

Check out my guest post on Positive Parenting Connection: “Kelsey wanted to play house at recess, but Fiona wanted to play tag.” My first grade daughter is talking a mile a minute about the drama that unfolded at recess today. “Fiona said that anyone who plays house is a baby.

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Helping Your Child Through Disappointment

My most recent guest post on Positive Parenting Connection is about helping our kids through disappointment (and tips for managing our own reactions too!) The van is packed, and you’re about ready to head out the door. Suddenly, you hear thunder in the distance. No! It can’t be! You checked

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Help Your Child Express their Mixed-Up Feelings

If you’ve ever been the guest of honor at a surprise party you can relate to mixed-emotions. The flood of feelings can be overwhelming…surprise, joy, excitement, maybe shy because you didn’t expect it or even a little upset that your friend didn’t tell you. As adults, we understand that mixed-up

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How to Help Your Child Disagree Respectfully

We tell our children to share their thoughts and feelings, stand up to bullies and have opinions, yet we ignore their whining, criticize their arguments and punish them when they disagree with our decisions. We don’t mean to send our kids a mixed message, but unfortunately, we leave them feeling

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Teaching Your Child to Respectfully Disagree

“This is so unfair!” Your daughter screams. Feeling frustrated, you respond, “Life’s not fair, get used to it.” She runs to her room and slams the door. Leaving yet another disagreement unresolved. Not to mention, everyone is feeling tense and disconnected. You encourage your kids to be independent,  critical thinkers.

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