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High energy ideas for low energy moms

Your child is starting to meltdown.  You can see the tantrum coming like a runaway train. “It looks like you need a hug!” You say, getting down to their level. “NO!” Your child backs away. “Well, then it looks like you might need a RUNNING hug!!” You reply, energetically. You

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Learn how to love your child even when they are throwing a tantrum or arguing. Do's and Don'ts of loving past your child's behavior.

Love Past the Behavior

Your kids are curled up on the couch reading their new library books. No one is bickering. The silence is amazing. Your heart fills with love as you admire their sweet, innocent faces. Fast forward ten minutes. A fight breaks out over who has more of the blanket. You rush

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How to Help Your Child Disagree Respectfully

We tell our children to share their thoughts and feelings, stand up to bullies and have opinions, yet we ignore their whining, criticize their arguments and punish them when they disagree with our decisions. We don’t mean to send our kids a mixed message, but unfortunately, we leave them feeling

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9 Tips for Surviving the “Witching Hour”

The “Witching Hour.” Also known as the perfect storm that occurs around 5:00 each afternoon. You’re trying to get dinner on the table, the kids are fighting, the baby is begging to be held, tensions are high. Some days I’m not sure I can survive it. Can you? 9 Tips

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Teaching Your Impulsive Child to “Pause”

All kids are impulsive. They hit, bite, kick and yell without thinking through the consequences. They feel a feeling and act on it. We can blow this off as “kids will be kids” or send them to the corner until they “learn their lesson.” Or, we can introduce our kids

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3 Things to Do Before Giving a Consequence

Your son walks in with muddy shoes.   You say, “Please take your shoes off by the door!” He refuses. You ask again. He continues to walk through the room getting mud everywhere. Feeling angry and frantic, you search for some leverage, something to get him to respond to your

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Taking Control of Your Parenting Triggers

Tired of always yelling at your kids? Feel like you are calm one moment and then angry the next? Your first thought may be…” if only they would just listen the first time, I wouldn’t have to yell!” or “If he would just stop hitting his sister, I wouldn’t have

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How to stop tantrums according to brain research

Use the latest brain research to help your child stay calm and manage their big feelings without a huge meltdown. Learn how to stop tantrums – even if they’ve already started – with this 2-step approach! We’re leaving the zoo.  The car is parked at the far end of the

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Teaching Your Child to Respectfully Disagree

“This is so unfair!” Your daughter screams. Feeling frustrated, you respond, “Life’s not fair, get used to it.” She runs to her room and slams the door. Leaving yet another disagreement unresolved. Not to mention, everyone is feeling tense and disconnected. You encourage your kids to be independent,  critical thinkers.

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"Why isn't this working!?' What to do when parenting strategies don't work.

Why Isn’t This Working? Encouragement for Exhausted Parents

  “We tried ___, it didn’t work.” Sometimes the blank is filled with a particular parenting method, other times it is filled with a laundry list of strategies. As a therapist and parent coach, this is one of the most common phrases I hear from exhausted parents. But, as a

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